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Moving Checklist

Being prepared for your move will ensure a smooth process and guarantee minimal downtown time for your business.


Get rid of anything that can be thrown away. All desks and file cabinets should be empty before the move. Moving a full file cabinet can cause damage to the cabinet.


Label furniture; include all items that need to be moved. Also, mark items that are not moving (to avoid confusion). Don’t forget to label pictures, tack boards, floor mats, and other miscellaneous items. Be sure to place labels in a visible area and to mark the office doors.


Secure confidential and personal items in a secure location for storage until your move is complete.  Place desk keys somewhere safe or tape them to your desk.


Make a floor plan of the new office space and indicate where the furniture will go. Copies of this plan should be posted at the new location and given to the movers.


Obtain necessary moving materials (boxes, tape, labels, etc.) and pack up common areas.


Freight elevators, loading docks, and parking spaces.


All equipment should be disconnected before your move. Some devices may require technical support and should be booked ahead of time.


Hire professional, insured movers to handle your furniture and equipment.

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